Category: Work

  • Death of a clown

    Death of a clown

    Today I accompanied a clown into his next life and he was very happy with it. He gave me this clown nose. It suits me perfectly! The clown and I had a lot in common and we had a lot to talk about. We laughed together for hours. I had to cheat a bit and…

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  • Don’t horses love carrots?

    Don’t horses love carrots?

    Come on! Other horses eat them too! I bought the carrot especially at the organic store when a customer happened to pass away there. The saleswoman was visibly irritated and became paler and paler. I do not know why. She didn’t even want the money from me that the deceased had left behind; she can’t…

    Read more: Don’t horses love carrots?
  • Riding as fast as the wind!

    Riding as fast as the wind!

    My job makes it necessary for me to ride from one end of the world to the other as quickly as possible. Today I’ll tell you the secret of how to do it: with a very special horse! It just fits me perfectly! This unicorn does not even need food. Only the newly died are…

    Read more: Riding as fast as the wind!