From the life of the Grim Reaper
I’m finally online!
Hello, it’s really me!
After 2.6 million years, it’s really time to tell you about me. You have no idea …
Well, I am death! – No, wrong, I am very much alive. – How shall I describe it correctly? I am THE DEATH! The Grim Reaper! The guy with the scythe and the hourglass! The one with the black cape! The fastest skeleton in this universe! The one who always yells HoHoHo; no, not always, I only do that when I represent Santa.
Why does everyone always think I’m gloomy or in a bad mood or just a bad guy? Every time I meet one of you (unfortunately, I only meet each of you once in my life), I have to tell a lot of jokes until you finally laugh. For example, jokes about death!
When your time on earth is over, your soul can go on an indescribably beautiful journey. It’s great what you experience then! And funny! – I am responsible for separating your soul from your body, so that you can start this journey and not crumble to dust together with your body. I am the start of your new life! This is so much fun, I could do this forever! (O.k. I will do it forever).
I am …
- quite different from what everyone thinks
- really in a good mood
- open for any kind of fun
- from time to time a little scary
I have …
- crazy hobbies
- many friends
- the best job in the world
I love …
- the color black … and pink … and sky blue … and …
- my job (I can’t mention it often enough!)
- my daughter
- all of you (group hug!)
Now my blog starts:
(sorting new to older)
Today quite chilled
Read more: Today quite chilledFor relaxation we ride today very relaxed through nature. Any person could see us today. That would be real trouble! But people only see things they think are possible. That the Grim Reaper rides on a colorful toy unicorn is impossible. So no one sees us and we can continue chilling. Otherwise we are faster…
That’s me! đŸ™‚
Read more: That’s me! đŸ™‚I was shopping today. Needed something new. Always this gloomy black becomes boring. I wanted now times cheerful black! And there I see it! A t-shirt with a picture on it in front of me! You can see! This is clearly me! Hey, this is great! People love me so much that they wear me…
Isn’t life wonderful?
Read more: Isn’t life wonderful?I am really old now. Does age mean that you can not have fun? First you think you need to grow up and maybe build a house and take your job seriously. Yes, that’s what I thought for the first million years. It was sooo boring! Children know that they had not laughed enough in…
Today I did not feel like working!
Read more: Today I did not feel like working!I needed some fresh air and sun! And I felt like dancing! Do not dance ballet on the lawn? I so do not care! I love to move with grace and elegance to beautiful music. This time I had forgotten my MP3 player, so I borrowed a complete orchestra. They are so engrossed in their…
Death of a clown
Read more: Death of a clownToday I accompanied a clown into his next life and he was very happy with it. He gave me this clown nose. It suits me perfectly! The clown and I had a lot in common and we had a lot to talk about. We laughed together for hours. I had to cheat a bit and…
To be or not to be, that is here … Photographer, hurry up!
Read more: To be or not to be, that is here … Photographer, hurry up!Hey photographer, I can’t stand here like this forever. Is the photo soon ready? My arm will fall off soon. The skull is damn heavy! Besides I have to niece right away. The existential question of humanity! When I deal with it, everyone thinks that I am serious, deep, philosophical and somehow tragic! Shakespeare! World…
Don’t horses love carrots?
Read more: Don’t horses love carrots?Come on! Other horses eat them too! I bought the carrot especially at the organic store when a customer happened to pass away there. The saleswoman was visibly irritated and became paler and paler. I do not know why. She didn’t even want the money from me that the deceased had left behind; she can’t…
It is always worth a try
Read more: It is always worth a tryBeer! I just have to try again and again! Is not so easy when you are a skeleton. đŸ˜‰ When the monks started brewing beer in the Middle Ages, I was a remarkably frequent visitor to them. In my robe they thought I was one of them. I seemed to have just come from gardening,…
My new toy
Read more: My new toyYou think I am only with a horse on the road? I like to use many (!) feel horsepower under me! The wind rushes through my bones and skull! This is a totally crazy feeling. Stupid only if afterwards so many insects stick on my bones. A helmet? What for? I am already dead! And…
Pumpkin harvest
Read more: Pumpkin harvestIn my garden grow gigantic pumpkins. Guess what I did with it? – Yes, also pumpkin soup. And yes, also baked pumpkin. Yes yes, of course my daughter got one too. – Guess further. I give you a hint. It has something to do with Halloween. Well, do you get it now? – Still not?…