Category: Sports

  • Today quite chilled

    Today quite chilled

    For relaxation we ride today very relaxed through nature. Any person could see us today. That would be real trouble! But people only see things they think are possible. That the Grim Reaper rides on a colorful toy unicorn is impossible. So no one sees us and we can continue chilling. Otherwise we are faster…

    Read more: Today quite chilled
  • Today I did not feel like working!

    Today I did not feel like working!

    I needed some fresh air and sun! And I felt like dancing! Do not dance ballet on the lawn? I so do not care! I love to move with grace and elegance to beautiful music. This time I had forgotten my MP3 player, so I borrowed a complete orchestra. They are so engrossed in their…

    Read more: Today I did not feel like working!
  • My new toy

    My new toy

    You think I am only with a horse on the road? I like to use many (!) feel horsepower under me! The wind rushes through my bones and skull! This is a totally crazy feeling. Stupid only if afterwards so many insects stick on my bones. A helmet? What for? I am already dead! And…

    Read more: My new toy
  • Riding as fast as the wind!

    Riding as fast as the wind!

    My job makes it necessary for me to ride from one end of the world to the other as quickly as possible. Today I’ll tell you the secret of how to do it: with a very special horse! It just fits me perfectly! This unicorn does not even need food. Only the newly died are…

    Read more: Riding as fast as the wind!
  • Yoga with friends

    Yoga with friends

    What to do with friends who talk very little or not at all? And standing or walking they can also not so good … Actually really boring guys. Not even drinking beer works. Now I have found the solution! Yoga and meditation works wonderfully with these friends! They are extremely considerate and do not disturb…

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  • I love it!

    I love it!

    Ballet is my great passion! This grace! This elegance! And this TüTü! Do not you believe? See for yourself: I can get excited about almost anything. I also had enough time to try everything out. I wouldn’t know how to do all my hobbies if I only lived a few thousand years. I also like…

    Read more: I love it!