To be or not to be, that is here … Photographer, hurry up!

Hey photographer, I can’t stand here like this forever. Is the photo soon ready? My arm will fall off soon. The skull is damn heavy! Besides I have to niece right away.

The existential question of humanity! When I deal with it, everyone thinks that I am serious, deep, philosophical and somehow tragic! Shakespeare! World Literature! Existentialism! And all that stuff.

If I stand there like this for much longer, with a skull in my hand and a lit candle on it, I will really start to think about it. That would be really bad!

I am dead and yet I am! This skull is no longer alive and yet is here! This candle burns down and all life is fleeting. – Damn! – Now it has caught me after all! – What? The light is not perfect yet and I have to stand like this longer? This photographer can really ruin your day!

Now I have to think about death all day long. I usually never do. Is so not my topic. 😉

By the way: you can have me with you all day now:





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